By P. Chandra Sagaran

Some 1,000 people including fans and supporters gathered at Dewan Tokong Persatuan Penganut Penganut Huat Tian Keong Bercham to watch the International World Muay Thai Yee Fook Challenge 2024 here on June 18.

They were entertained to close fights and skills in the art to keep them on the edge of their seats.

A total of six categories were contests which also included a woman bout and a kids demonstration match for under 12 category. A wrestling match was also held.

The competition drew participants from Perak, Kedah, Penang, Kuala Lumpur and Selangor. 

Exponents from Korea, Singapore, Iran, Australia and Thailand made the competition livelier. 

The competition was officiated by Perak Communication, Multimedia and NGO Committee Chairman Mohd Azlan Helmi. 

“This is the first time we had a collaboration with the association to organise the tbe event”, said Mohd Azlan who is also Perak Pemadam chairman. 

“As Muay Thai is fast catching up with the youngsters we want to utilise their interest to hold such competitions. 

“This is a new segment of sports, we want to be  associated with all kinds of sports,” he added. 

He later presented the prizes to the winners.