The Ipoh City Council

By P. Chandra Sagaran

Ipoh City Council’s circular economy activities have received positive response from all walks of life in the city.

Ipoh City Mayor Datuk Rumaizi Baharin@Md Daud said:”since the launch of the e-waste collection campaign in 2021, a total of 284 metric tons of e-waste were collected and in the process reduced the carbon footprint by 305 metric  tons of CO2e through 401 collection programmes.

“Up to May this year itself  25 metric tons were collected with reduction of carbon attaining 21.93 metric tons of CO2e through 55 collection programmes. 

” Our target for 2024 is 100 metric ton, congratulations to our strategic partner Syarikat Edsha Solutions Sdn Bhd,” he said in a press statement. 

The council with its strategic partner, Syarikat Biovismas Sdn Bhd implemented collection of used cooking oil for biodiesel purposes. 

Rumaizi noted from 2023 until May 2024 a total of 334.968 metric ton with reduction of carbon footprint up to 6.3 metric tons of CO2e. 

The collection involved 1,057 premises among them food outlets, food processing factories, school canteen, hospital cafeteria and others. 

A total of 100 tyre shops also participated in the programme with a collection of used tyres to process Pirolisis to produce secondary products such as carbon, iron and fuel. 

The partnership with Thowlee Recycle from 2022 to April 2024 resulted in collection of 3,632 metric ton with a decreasing carbon footprint by 2,179.2 metro tons of CO2e. 

Rumaizi stressed the council had also been accepted as a strategic partner in the CAREton Recycling Programme to recycle Terapak packet drinks. 

The activity had already been introduced to school students through the Ipoh Low Carbon Day with the cooperation of Syarikat Terapak (M) Sdn Bhd. 

The  project would be launched next month in areas under the jurisdiction of the council. 

Rumaizi pointed out the cooperation from all parties and residents is needed to achieve the objective of 45 percent Low Carbon City by 2030 through continuous implementation of circular economy activities. 

Residents can visit the council’s portal at for information on the circular economy activities.